Friday, August 14, 2009

Healthcare updates

well.... the healthcare debate intensifies, what did the politicians think would happen?

I have a much better idea - remember Forrest Gump - stupid is as stupid does.... well, how about a positive spin on that note - Simple is as Simple does! Use the KISS principle-

Maybe if we tried a 10 or 20 page bill instead of a "comprehensive" elephant bill, we could get real reform. Everyone wants reform, very few in the minority want government control. A brilliant news report interviewee said a few days ago, "the government should design the system, not OPERATE the system."

I am still upset about the fact that I have money in my FSA from my former employer that I cannot use - so suggestion #1.

1. make FSA accounts personal and portable, delete the "use it or lose it" provisions. simple.

I have a big problem with using tax policy to promote any social issues at all. The government should not be in the business of modifying individual behaviors. So, suggestion 2

2. treat all Americans equally (shocking). All healthcare benefits should be tax free for all or none. It should not matter how you are employed or not. Big firm or self employed or even not employed. Make it a tax free issue for all. Simple.

3. do NOT add on multiple amendments, congress is like a bunch of drug addicts, they can't leave well enough alone. An MD friend of mine once said - "the perfect is the enemy of the good." Try a simple bill and STOP before you hurt yourself.

Treat all Americans equally - it is an old concept often forgotten - and here's why it is the only solution:

I know for a fact that certain cancer treatments/therapies are now being designed genetically for a specific individual. Custom tailoring a cure is as personal as it gets. Therefore, it is impossible to make a law which covers all citizens if their circumstances are unique. That is why we have an elephant of a bill. What was that old saying - "you can't be all things to all people"?

I will have more over time, this will do for now. maybe my next post will be about economics - I have a lesson or two for our politicians about how things really work. Hopefully you will not have heard these concepts before, they will be new and interesting.

p.s Redhed Fred (copyright! maybe even a trademark coming soon) is making progress, maybe I should print t shirts and run him in parades. Here'a a website with a similar pic for a good idea of what I hope he will look like after his plastic surgery.

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