Friday, November 2, 2018

Border caravans simple solution

This is going to be a short post. I know there are many opinions on the approaching border caravans, but as a true conservative, one of my strongest reasons for supporting TRUMP is that we must , as responsible adults, support the rule of law. That does not mean we suspend our values or our common sense! Color me guilty, but as an engineer, I always revert to what i think is a simple, effective solution. i am not , as I have said before, loyal to any party. I am loyal to the Constitution! I wish more people would come out and say that publicly.

So, in a nutshell, here is my answer to not allowing the caravan(s) - yes, plural, into our country.

The military has or will be deployed to the border. great first step. the president has stated they will not get in and should return. great second step. Well, if they do get close, president Trump has said that throwing rocks should be considered equal to firearms. I get it. he has to make a stand and say something dramatic.

But the reality, and I have been to the border many times in person, is not so simple. But I am a simple guy. Just ask my wife! many news organizations are playing up this controversy and it makes the sane, reasonable people like myself get stressed out and worn down by all the noise. (clue)

Why doesn't anyone talk about the new SONIC non-lethal weapons we have to disperse crowds - we can use them at the border, this is the perfect application! We don't have to shoot anyone. We only need to keep them away from the border and this solution works!!

If they get across, they have to be dealt with by the legal system, which would bog down , and that is the whole point of this Demoncratic sponsored invasion. if they never reach our soil, we don't have to deal with any legal issues at all.

So... how do we do that without shooting at anyone? Gee... guess what - your tax dollars hard at work have the answer.

see this link: V-MADS, Vehicle Mounted Active Denial System

Finally a government program I can support 100%!!

My next post will be about a lesson on the 14th Amendment - woohoo!

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