I have previously written about gun violence and how it is tied to mental health issues. This tragic incident highlights why I am RIGHT and we need to be extremely careful about how we make new laws.
According to this website a Maryland man was killed by police officers attempting to confiscate his guns because a family member complained about his state of mind...
"Officially called Extreme Risk Protection Orders (ERPO), “red flag” laws permit police, healthcare providers, or family members (or pretty much anyone, really – let’s be honest here) to petition a state court to order the temporary removal of firearms from a person who may present a danger to others or themselves. A judge decides to issue the order based on statements and actions made by the gun owner. After a set period of time, the guns are returned to the owner unless another court hearing extends the period of confiscation."
"Gary J. Willis, a 61-year-old Maryland resident, was killed by police when they showed up at his home at 5 am to serve him with a court order requiring that he surrender his guns."
This is deeply troubling on many levels. There was NO CRIME committed. The person was never arrested. The police attempted to confiscate his guns, but NOT arrest him. DANGER. DANGER. DANGER.
I wrote previously about how we should not do this. If a person is deemed mentally unfit in any way, they should be removed from their homes and taken to a hospital for evaluation by a trained physician, not an irate relative or a clueless judge! Remove the PERSON from the guns, NOT the GUNS from the person. We must have due process for all or we will fall apart as a country. Anyone can claim you are mentally ill or stage a "SWAT event" calling in a fake report to get even with a personal enemy. If we do not have enough evidence to forcefully put a person in a jail or hospital, we should not act. taking away someone' guns leaves them defenseless and is a clear violation of their 2nd and 4th Amendment rights, maybe many more.
It continues - 13 states have red flag laws - lookout!!!
"Police Chief Timothy Altomare said the fatal shooting was a sign that the law is needed: “If you look at this morning’s outcome, it’s tough for us to say ‘Well, what did we prevent?’ ” he said. “Because we don’t know what we prevented or could’ve prevented. What would’ve happened if we didn’t go there at 5 a.m.?” (Shades of MINORITY REPORT coming true - my comments)
Can you wrap your head around that statement? I can’t.
As far as we know, Willis never harmed anyone. Yet, he is dead…because of a law that was supposedly enacted to save lives. If Willis had a history of violence or a criminal record, the police department would surely be talking about it, using it as justification for the man’s murder.
In reality, red flag laws are ripe for abuse.
In an article titled Gun Owners Must Oppose Red Flag Laws, Greg Pruett of Gun Owners of America warns,
A new wave of dangerous laws is being pushed across the United States. These laws don’t require due process and your rights are removed without a crime ever being committed. If this sounds familiar, then it may sound like something out of “Minority Report” with Tom Cruise. Sadly, it isn’t a Hollywood blockbuster, it’s the new America. At least it will be if you don’t fight back.
“Red Flag” laws, also known as “Extreme Risk Protection Orders” or Gun Violence Restraining Orders,” have now passed in 12 states. Even some Republican-controlled states (Indiana and Florida) have passed these laws. They are dangerous to freedom, unconstitutional, and should be more properly termed, “Gun Confiscation Orders.”
As of the time of this writing, 13 states have red flag laws: Connecticut, Indiana, California, Washington, Oregon, Florida, Vermont, Maryland, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Delaware, Massachusetts, and Illinois. More are surely coming. Bad ideas tend to spread, and cries for stricter gun control have grown much louder and more common.
Red flag laws are implemented differently in states have have them. Some limit these gun confiscation orders to “immediate family” members, Pruett writes. “But some states, like Oregon, are already expanding their orders to include neighbors, medical professionals, teachers, and other school staff.”
As Scott Boyd of NOQ Report warns,
All it takes is a good story and a sympathetic judge to take away someone’s guns. In this case, it was a relative of the deceased who filed the petition after an incident that occurred in the beginning of the week. We don’t know the details so there’s no way to judge, but the notion that this incident is proof the law is working is the type of circular reasoning gungrabbers will use to encourage more confiscations.
Boyd concludes, Gary J. Willis isn’t dead because he tried to shoot someone. He is dead because someone convinced a judge that he might shoot someone, and now police are hailing this as a success. The PreCrime Departments are pleased with the results.
Red flag laws only benefit the government, and render “we the people” defenseless against the ever-growing police state."
Wake up America - there are socialists and tyrants working every day to take away our freedoms. Some of them are now called Police Chiefs, judges and legislators. There are people that wake up every day and try to figure out how to destroy America. We conservatives need to be vigilant and not give them one inch. We are already on the slippery slope. Freedom isn't free.
I recently attended a Convention of States meeting in Spring, TX and some of the comments were that conservatives mostly want to be left alone - i don't bother you - you don't bother me. Well, that is a great sentiment, but it is not pragmatic. life does not work that way -we need to be more involved. And yes, it is a time sacrifice. One person said, "You may not be interested in politics, but politics is interested in YOU!" What that means is that the Ocasio-Cortez socialists are working every day to control you and they don't care about playing fair. This is a war for American values and freedom.
On this Thanksgiving day, I am thankful for the opportunity to be free to write about these issues and spread the word before it is too late. I am also thankful for the SECOND Amendment that give us conservatives a chance to continue to be free. Please get involved and stay involved. We need to be vigilant to continue to protect our freedoms for our children and future generations.
Go here to get involved!! pass it along! https://conventionofstates.com/
It is still your country and your country needs you to fight for it.
Tuesday, November 20, 2018
Wednesday, November 7, 2018
Elections matter analysis
Well that was the craziest mid term election in a long time. I am sure everyone is glad it is over. the question now is - what does it mean and what did it prove? What lessons can we learn from it?
The tv pundits will all comment, but they all seem to want to put their spin on things. I would rather take the engineering approach and look at the facts first.
Facts - This election set records for turnout in a mid term. That is good! If you vote you are invested. I hope all these voters pay more attention now and in the future. When you vote you get a sense of ownership as an investment. I hope everyone who voted holds their elected representatives accountable. Promises are cheap. Execution and results is what counts.
The GOP gained in the Senate and lost in the house. So we will have a divided government. Newsflash - we had a divided government last week too. The R party was divided into several camps, conservatives, RINOs, Dems in disguise, etc. One of the R congressman who lost was Sessions - Conservativereview.com website rated him an F anyway. My comment is - so if a Dem is now the congressman, big deal. We had a guy who voted with Dems 50% of the time anyway and most likely did not support Trump.
For a detailed review of the results see this article: https://www.conservativereview.com/news/10-observations-on-the-failed-blue-wave/
My personal opinion on this is that in a polarized climate - if you are a coward and do NOT take a stand - you will get run over. There are more R congressman with F ratings who may soon follow Sessions out the door. I worked the polls and voters talked to me - some commented that we need new blood in both parties. I AGREE 100%. We have people who do nothing in both parties that obstruct and slow walk everything so they can maintain power. They hide under the radar and say as little as possible to get elected. That's a shame. See this quote "Are we going to continue with the same failed House leadership under Kevin McCarthy? We need Jim Jordan as minority leader for two reasons..."
I think a good house cleaning (pun intended) on both sides is in order.
Maybe my next election slogan will be - "Vote out the Dinosaurs!"
Some of the high points should be obvious -
1. The Kavanaugh hearings made a significant difference energizing voters to come out and vote R even if they did not care for their representative. The Dems overplayed their hand to the point they alienated moderates. The energized voters came from multiple demographic categories (I'm not telling!)
2. Beto energized Dems to vote like never before - but he still lost. NOTE: he is keeping his $MILLIONS of campaign contributions. Did you know that he can pay himself a salary from these funds forever? He does not have to return these funds. He can retire if he wants to.
3. Lukewarm Repubs who stand for nothing except the swamp are a liability - if they do not embrace Trump policies they may lose again. I don't think they care. I remember years ago we had Bob Michel as the R leader - They consistently lost and he was ok with that because he wanted to be bipartisan - he was a great loser. He let the D party walk all over him and all he said was "Thank you." That will be the legacy of Paul Ryan too. He is a never Trumper and an obstacle for moving along the conservative agenda. The article states -
here is the exact quote from the article..
"Republicans only stand to benefit by fully embracing a coherent conservative agenda on immigration, terrorism, crime, and health care to not only jazz up the base and turn out the new Trump voters, but to win back some of those lost suburban votes."
4. We may have gridlock for two years. That could be a blessing or a curse. Too soon to tell. My personal, humble opinion - If the Congress is divided - then the defacto result is that TRUMP has even more power. He can claim to win either way - he can compromise with both parties and look like a great uniter, or he can stand on principle for certain issues - half will criticize him, half will praise him. So.. more of the same. What no one is talking about is that the only pragmatic result of this election is that both parts of Congress made things worse for themselves and they increased Trump's political power. I bet none of the talking heads pick up on that. I guess the political speak for this is "triangulation".
I learned a great deal by working the polls and talking to real people who vote - some of that I am keeping secret! If you want to learn that, I encourage you to work for a candidate or at the polls. It is very hard work, but you will get an education.
I want to close with a very sincere thank you those who supported me and gave me encouragement. I met a very nice lady who brought her 18 year old daughter to vote for the first time. I encouraged her, and encourage all parent to educate their children on AMERICAN history! I will make myself available to speak to young people and anywhere we have an opportunity to teach the next generation about our wonderful history. I will continue my website at mikeryantexas.com and facebook @mikeryanforcongress (if they let me) to hold people accountable, I hope you join me in that effort.
Lastly, remember these words:
As a congressman, James Garfield had stated at the 100th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1876: “Now more than ever before, the people are responsible for the character of their Congress. If that body be ignorant, reckless, and corrupt, it is because the people tolerate ignorance, recklessness, and corruption. If it be intelligent, brave, and pure, it is because the people demand these high qualities to represent them in the national legislature. … If the next centennial does not find us a great nation … it will be because those who represent the enterprise, the culture, and the morality of the nation do not aid in controlling the political forces.”
Demand better! God bless.
The tv pundits will all comment, but they all seem to want to put their spin on things. I would rather take the engineering approach and look at the facts first.
Facts - This election set records for turnout in a mid term. That is good! If you vote you are invested. I hope all these voters pay more attention now and in the future. When you vote you get a sense of ownership as an investment. I hope everyone who voted holds their elected representatives accountable. Promises are cheap. Execution and results is what counts.
The GOP gained in the Senate and lost in the house. So we will have a divided government. Newsflash - we had a divided government last week too. The R party was divided into several camps, conservatives, RINOs, Dems in disguise, etc. One of the R congressman who lost was Sessions - Conservativereview.com website rated him an F anyway. My comment is - so if a Dem is now the congressman, big deal. We had a guy who voted with Dems 50% of the time anyway and most likely did not support Trump.
For a detailed review of the results see this article: https://www.conservativereview.com/news/10-observations-on-the-failed-blue-wave/
My personal opinion on this is that in a polarized climate - if you are a coward and do NOT take a stand - you will get run over. There are more R congressman with F ratings who may soon follow Sessions out the door. I worked the polls and voters talked to me - some commented that we need new blood in both parties. I AGREE 100%. We have people who do nothing in both parties that obstruct and slow walk everything so they can maintain power. They hide under the radar and say as little as possible to get elected. That's a shame. See this quote "Are we going to continue with the same failed House leadership under Kevin McCarthy? We need Jim Jordan as minority leader for two reasons..."
I think a good house cleaning (pun intended) on both sides is in order.
Maybe my next election slogan will be - "Vote out the Dinosaurs!"
Some of the high points should be obvious -
1. The Kavanaugh hearings made a significant difference energizing voters to come out and vote R even if they did not care for their representative. The Dems overplayed their hand to the point they alienated moderates. The energized voters came from multiple demographic categories (I'm not telling!)
2. Beto energized Dems to vote like never before - but he still lost. NOTE: he is keeping his $MILLIONS of campaign contributions. Did you know that he can pay himself a salary from these funds forever? He does not have to return these funds. He can retire if he wants to.
3. Lukewarm Repubs who stand for nothing except the swamp are a liability - if they do not embrace Trump policies they may lose again. I don't think they care. I remember years ago we had Bob Michel as the R leader - They consistently lost and he was ok with that because he wanted to be bipartisan - he was a great loser. He let the D party walk all over him and all he said was "Thank you." That will be the legacy of Paul Ryan too. He is a never Trumper and an obstacle for moving along the conservative agenda. The article states -
here is the exact quote from the article..
"Republicans only stand to benefit by fully embracing a coherent conservative agenda on immigration, terrorism, crime, and health care to not only jazz up the base and turn out the new Trump voters, but to win back some of those lost suburban votes."
4. We may have gridlock for two years. That could be a blessing or a curse. Too soon to tell. My personal, humble opinion - If the Congress is divided - then the defacto result is that TRUMP has even more power. He can claim to win either way - he can compromise with both parties and look like a great uniter, or he can stand on principle for certain issues - half will criticize him, half will praise him. So.. more of the same. What no one is talking about is that the only pragmatic result of this election is that both parts of Congress made things worse for themselves and they increased Trump's political power. I bet none of the talking heads pick up on that. I guess the political speak for this is "triangulation".
I learned a great deal by working the polls and talking to real people who vote - some of that I am keeping secret! If you want to learn that, I encourage you to work for a candidate or at the polls. It is very hard work, but you will get an education.
I want to close with a very sincere thank you those who supported me and gave me encouragement. I met a very nice lady who brought her 18 year old daughter to vote for the first time. I encouraged her, and encourage all parent to educate their children on AMERICAN history! I will make myself available to speak to young people and anywhere we have an opportunity to teach the next generation about our wonderful history. I will continue my website at mikeryantexas.com and facebook @mikeryanforcongress (if they let me) to hold people accountable, I hope you join me in that effort.
Lastly, remember these words:
As a congressman, James Garfield had stated at the 100th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1876: “Now more than ever before, the people are responsible for the character of their Congress. If that body be ignorant, reckless, and corrupt, it is because the people tolerate ignorance, recklessness, and corruption. If it be intelligent, brave, and pure, it is because the people demand these high qualities to represent them in the national legislature. … If the next centennial does not find us a great nation … it will be because those who represent the enterprise, the culture, and the morality of the nation do not aid in controlling the political forces.”
Demand better! God bless.
Friday, November 2, 2018
Border caravans simple solution
This is going to be a short post. I know there are many opinions on the approaching border caravans, but as a true conservative, one of my strongest reasons for supporting TRUMP is that we must , as responsible adults, support the rule of law. That does not mean we suspend our values or our common sense! Color me guilty, but as an engineer, I always revert to what i think is a simple, effective solution. i am not , as I have said before, loyal to any party. I am loyal to the Constitution! I wish more people would come out and say that publicly.
So, in a nutshell, here is my answer to not allowing the caravan(s) - yes, plural, into our country.
The military has or will be deployed to the border. great first step. the president has stated they will not get in and should return. great second step. Well, if they do get close, president Trump has said that throwing rocks should be considered equal to firearms. I get it. he has to make a stand and say something dramatic.
But the reality, and I have been to the border many times in person, is not so simple. But I am a simple guy. Just ask my wife! many news organizations are playing up this controversy and it makes the sane, reasonable people like myself get stressed out and worn down by all the noise. (clue)
Why doesn't anyone talk about the new SONIC non-lethal weapons we have to disperse crowds - we can use them at the border, this is the perfect application! We don't have to shoot anyone. We only need to keep them away from the border and this solution works!!
If they get across, they have to be dealt with by the legal system, which would bog down , and that is the whole point of this Demoncratic sponsored invasion. if they never reach our soil, we don't have to deal with any legal issues at all.
So... how do we do that without shooting at anyone? Gee... guess what - your tax dollars hard at work have the answer.
see this link: V-MADS, Vehicle Mounted Active Denial System
Finally a government program I can support 100%!!
My next post will be about a lesson on the 14th Amendment - woohoo!
So, in a nutshell, here is my answer to not allowing the caravan(s) - yes, plural, into our country.
The military has or will be deployed to the border. great first step. the president has stated they will not get in and should return. great second step. Well, if they do get close, president Trump has said that throwing rocks should be considered equal to firearms. I get it. he has to make a stand and say something dramatic.
But the reality, and I have been to the border many times in person, is not so simple. But I am a simple guy. Just ask my wife! many news organizations are playing up this controversy and it makes the sane, reasonable people like myself get stressed out and worn down by all the noise. (clue)
Why doesn't anyone talk about the new SONIC non-lethal weapons we have to disperse crowds - we can use them at the border, this is the perfect application! We don't have to shoot anyone. We only need to keep them away from the border and this solution works!!
If they get across, they have to be dealt with by the legal system, which would bog down , and that is the whole point of this Demoncratic sponsored invasion. if they never reach our soil, we don't have to deal with any legal issues at all.
So... how do we do that without shooting at anyone? Gee... guess what - your tax dollars hard at work have the answer.
see this link: V-MADS, Vehicle Mounted Active Denial System
Finally a government program I can support 100%!!
My next post will be about a lesson on the 14th Amendment - woohoo!
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