Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Obamacare vs. Grandma

Dear Friends:
Please join me in wishing my grandmother a Happy Birthday! Tomorrow she turns 102 years old!

Recently she was in the garden pruning a tree and fell and broke her hip. Well of course she was taken to the hospital and the doctors had a very difficult time deciding what to do. As a family we agreed she should have a chance and elected to have a hip operation so that she could recuperate and return home to her normal life.

Well, needless to say, this was not a simple choice. The doctors were split about her treatment options. The other choice (if you could call it that) was to have a medically induced coma and let her live out her last days "pain-free". Well, all I can say is that we chose to give her a fighting chance. When you are 102 your life is totally in God's hands.

She had her operation and the doctors were amazed, her heart was in excellent condition, she is as strong as a horse. She is almost fully recuperated now and should be back home shortly, living in the home she has lived in for the better part of 60 years. She walks with a cane, but still insists on doing her own chores.

Of course, had we been in the next calendar year when Obamacare takes over, my guess is she would not have survived. Some federal bureaucrat would have refused her treatment because she is statistically too old. Well, Mr. Bureaucrat, Mr. Obama, that "statistic" is my Grandma. Don't mess with Grandma.

Now for the rest of the story......

The first time she broke her (other) hip, some 20 plus years ago, the doctors said the exact same thing. Had we chosen the painkiller only option, she would have lost over 20 years of life because of this decision. When she was in the nursing home last time she was ornery, couldn't stand it. She had to get out because she said there were too many old people there! She got out about 2 weeks ahead of schedule, all the nurses were amazed.

I am glad we DO NOT currently allow some stranger to make these decisions for us, not even doctors. I would not want that kind of authority over someone else, even my family member; it is not our decision to make. We must keep the rights of the individual to decide these things for themselves.

This has taught me a few valuable lessons.
1. No matter what our age or status, our lives are ALWAYS in God's hands.
2. We should not make choices for others about when it is their "time to go".
3. Obamacare would have certainly killed Grandma, any doubters?
4. You have to stand up for personal freedom for any and all people, regardless of race, color , creed or AGE!

Now I ask all of you to decide - take a stand. Are you for Obamacare and against Grandma? Yes or No, simple. No fence sitters or "moderates" allowed, no explanations needed.

If you choose the moderate option, let me tell you what I believe will happen. The Obamacare people will run over you like a steamroller, and you will have given them implicit approval to be the victim. Someday this WILL happen to you or your family member, it is only a matter of time. Not IF, but WHEN.

Please help me understand, exactly - for my grandmother - What HOPE and CHANGE does she have to look forward to?

God Bless Grandma!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Katy ISD bonds, more money for what?

This is from the website:
Tea Party To School Board: We Have Questions About Planned Bond Issue

By: John Pape on Fri, Aug 6, 2010


In a statement released yesterday, the Katy Tea Party Patriots announced the formation of an education awareness team to explore issues associated with Katy ISD’s anticipated November bond election.

In July, the Katy ISD Bond Referendum Task Force formally recommended $459,791,092 bond package to the school board.

Trustees have not yet voted to call the bond election; however, it is widely expected they will schedule the vote for November.

In the statement, the Tea Party Patriots stressed the organization is not taking a stance on the bond issue at this time, but believes “it is important that we start asking some important questions surrounding the proposed bond.”

Education awareness team member and former school board candidate Henry Dibrell initiated the process by issuing a list of questions entitled “10 Things to Ask Yourself Before Voting on the KISD Bond Referendum.”

Those questions included:

- Do you trust the people who will be in charge of spending the money if it is approved?

- Who will make the final decisions about how bond money is spent?

- How much debt does Katy ISD have at present?

- If nothing is done, how much will your taxes go down?

- How were the proceeds of earlier bond money spent; and was there any left over funding? How much?

- What is the status of “left over” funds today? Spent on what? Saved for future use?

- When will these bonds be paid off and at what total cost to the taxpayer?

- If Katy ISD does not issue new bonds what is the impact on our tax rate?

- Are the costs in line with what is reasonable and necessary?

- Who gets to decide how left over bond money is spent? Do you trust them with that task?

The bond package recommended by the task force is made up of the following:

- $282,127,231 in new facilities

- $98,843,953 in comprehensive renovations of existing facilities

- $1,763,626 in expansion of existing facilities

- $18,868,761 in component replacements in existing facilities

- $35,400,245 in technology improvements

- $22,787,275 in “other” expenditures, including portable buildings, buses and bond costs

Tea Party leaders said the group plans on issuing additional awareness information on the bond issue in the upcoming weeks.

Additionally, the Tea Party has announced a change in its regular meeting location. Beginning Aug. 12 at 7 p.m., the group will hold its bi-monthly meetings at the Grayson Lakes Community Center.

My comments are simple, I am a simple guy...

I would like to know a simple answer to a simple question – what percentage of all KISD employees are teachers vs the total employment?
I have yet to get this answer from board members. My gut feeling tells me there are perhaps 50% non-teaching employees when I personally think the number ratio should be more like 80/20 or 90/10 (teachers vs. non-teachers).

I bet we could do without a bond issue if we streamlined some administrative positions, why is it they always fire teachers first instead of bloated overhead management staff? When I was in school we had ONE principal per school, now there are 3-5 per school – why?