this is a simple lesson anyone can understand, I hope you like it!
Student explains budget cuts ONLY 1 MIN 38 SEC:
A college student "explains our Federal Budget" and the portion that must be
borrowed, in simple terms for everyone, plus his visual aid example easily
demonstrates the $100 million cut that the President promised as savings.
Click on this link and be amazed. Watch it twice to enjoy the simplicity.
Then decide if it is time to write and call your Senator for a stop to
deficit spending. I decided to do something about this- in my next post - I will balance the federal budget -yes, little old me, with only a few hours of work - for real, no jokes or videos.
Si se puede!!
I intend to go through the budget department by department and come up with a number we can all understand in simple terms. I hope I embarrass all the intelligentsia. Simple always wins, simple is genius - I think Einstein said that. Stay tuned.